Baby Marley | Seattle Newborn Photography


Baby Marley | Seattle Newborn Photography

Oh this baby. Oh this family. I can't believe it has taken me so long to share this Seattle in home Newborn Photography session. 

In home sessions have a very special feel about them. It is an absolute privilege that I am invited into a families most intimate space, their home, especially after such a monumental life event like having a baby. 

I walked into this home and the whole family was on the master bed. My kind of family! That is exactly where my tribe always hangs out. There was an easy feel about them, laid back and relaxed despite the fact that they had a newborn. 

We captured them simply loving on their new addition as well as each other. They laughed, snuggled, and played. It was a dreamy morning for me and I hope you will enjoy these images. 


Lifestyle Family Photography Workshop | Online Photography Workshop


Lifestyle Family Photography Workshop | Online Photography Workshop

Hi Friends,
One of my favorite quotes from a photographer comes from the master, Annie Leibovitz

"A thing that you see in my pictures is that I was not afraid to fall in love with these people."
Annie Leibovitz

I believe this with my whole heart.

I remember when I was first starting I heard a lot about how business should not be personal. How your business should not be an extension of who you are. But this is not true.

I connect to my families on a very deep level. This is why I only take 2 sessions a week. I literally feel emotionally drained after a shoot. Because I poured into my families so that they would be willing and able to pour back to me and allow me to make them into art.

But this takes time and practice. It takes a while to find your way in the family photography world. And you will. I promise.

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves when we set out to capture a family. We feel pressure to nail that perfect photo and make a family look beautiful. But here is the thing... it's not our job to make a family look perfect or even beautiful. It's our job to show them that they already are perfect and beautiful. That we see them for the imperfectly flawed beauty that they are. 

Two or three times a year I teach an online workshop on Lifestyle Family Photography through Click Photo School. It is called The Art Of Lifestyle Family Photography. This is a month full of self exploration and really digging into the artistic side of family photography. Leaving you with a fresh perspective and the tools you need to run a successful family session. If you are interested in finding out more about this, registration is open and there are still a few full particpation seats available. There are always plenty of study along available if you would feel more comfortable going at your own pace. 

Find Our More About The Art Of Lifestyle Family Photography

What has been the absolute best part of the class for me has been staying in touch and watching my students grow and learn. We have a very active Facebook group that you will get access to after the completion of the class. The girls in there are the most positive, amazing women ever! 

I hope to see some of you there! 



Carlson Family | Seattle Family Photography


Carlson Family | Seattle Family Photography

I have had the absolute pleasure of capturing the Carlson family a few times over the years. We have also become friends and had the joy of spending time together as well. 

These parents are the "cool, laid back" parents we all try to be. They travel and have adventures with their boys regularly and really know how to have a great time! I love spending time with them. This is what I absolutely adore about Lifestyle Family Photography! It simply feels like I get to hang out with a bunch of amazing families all the time.

We met on a fall morning at a beautiful Seattle area park. It had been raining but right when we arrived the sky opened up and the sun came through giving us the most amazing, magical morning light. This was such a beautiful fall family session in Seattle. 

I hope you enjoy this sweet family! 


Boutique School Photography | Fine Art School Portrait Workshop


Boutique School Photography | Fine Art School Portrait Workshop

Online Course Boutique School Photography Elena S Blair

Last year I launched an in person photography workshop called Schooled. This was my first workshop teaching all about implementing Fine Art School Portraits in your business. I was able to reach about thirty people from across the country. My favorite part of the workshop was that we actually photographed children so they left with a full portfolio, ready to launch. 

After receiving hundreds, nearly a thousand emails from photographers from around the world asking me to teach a workshop online, I decided to give it a go. I knew I wanted to make it an active workshop so that my students would be held accountable and really take action on their skills. 

Well, I opened the class for enrollment on April 7th and the students are blowing me away!! They are working hard through the materials, taking action right now and building their portfolios and building a beautiful network of other photographers working toward the same goals. 

My goal is to rise up leaders in the photography community. To pour myself into others so that they can give back to this community and to the families who they serve with their creative gifts. 

My heart is full as I see my students thrive every single day. 

I am sharing a sampling of their gorgeous images. As you can see, they didn't' waste any time and many have already booked schools! I am so very proud of them.

Carol Davis 

Carol Davis 


Baby Eleanor | Seattle Newborn Photographer


Baby Eleanor | Seattle Newborn Photographer

This little family has graced my blog and social media a few times over the past few months. :) 

When we met for their maternity session I left with butterflies in my tummy. I literally felt like I had finally been reunited with old friends that I had been missing for so long. It was a beautiful fall evening. The sun was warm and wrapped itself around them like a blanket. Then, we met again in the hospital when sweet baby girl arrived. And finally, they invited me into their home for this sweet in home newborn session. 

It felt like an easy, sleepy morning in their home. The Christmas tree was still up, coffee was brewing, and love was in fact in the air. They held their little treasure with the most tender of arms, soaking her in, reveling in the fact that they now had a baby girl to love and protect. 

It was beautiful. And I will admit I was sad as this meant out time of meeting regularly was over. They are just the best. Luckily we already have plans to do a family session in the summer. 

Enjoy this little family. I sure know I do! 
