This little family has graced my blog and social media a few times over the past few months. :)
When we met for their maternity session I left with butterflies in my tummy. I literally felt like I had finally been reunited with old friends that I had been missing for so long. It was a beautiful fall evening. The sun was warm and wrapped itself around them like a blanket. Then, we met again in the hospital when sweet baby girl arrived. And finally, they invited me into their home for this sweet in home newborn session.
It felt like an easy, sleepy morning in their home. The Christmas tree was still up, coffee was brewing, and love was in fact in the air. They held their little treasure with the most tender of arms, soaking her in, reveling in the fact that they now had a baby girl to love and protect.
It was beautiful. And I will admit I was sad as this meant out time of meeting regularly was over. They are just the best. Luckily we already have plans to do a family session in the summer.
Enjoy this little family. I sure know I do!