Gacad Family | Seattle Family Photography


Gacad Family | Seattle Family Photography

I believe that those that come into our live come for a reason. The reasons may never be revealed but I do believe in this. 

I met this family when they were expecting this sweet little angle baby. They laughed easily and clearly enjoyed each others company. It was one of my favorite maternity photo shoots to date. Then, I had the pleasure of capturing their sweet baby girl at home when she was a few weeks old. And it was an absolute pleasure to capture them again when she was just about a year old. When I spend time with this family it feels like I am hanging out with old friends. Nearly every session feels like this for me. This "job" brings beautiful souls into my life and for that I am so grateful. 

I hope your New Year is off to a great start! Thanks for being here, friend! 


Amanatullah Family | Seattle Family Photography


Amanatullah Family | Seattle Family Photography

I met this family when they were expecting this sweet baby girl over a year ago. Click HERE to see that precious session. Since then I have done a birth space session, a newborn session, and now a family session. To say I have fallen head over heels in love with this family would be an understatement. They are fairly new to Seattle, transplants form the Los Angeles area. I would say Seattle suites them very well. :)

Parenthood comes easy to them. They love this little girl with all their heart and it is absolutely palpable when you are in their presence. 

We met on a lovely fall evening and the light was warm and cozy. It illuminated their relationship perfectly. 

Enjoy this sweet family. I know I do. 


The Art Of Family Lifestyle Photography Alumni | Elena S Blair Photography Education and Tips

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The Art Of Family Lifestyle Photography Alumni | Elena S Blair Photography Education and Tips

Photography has opened a lot of doors for me. Perhaps the most powerful and meaningful door has been that of being an educator. I have had the absolute honor and privilege of helping thousands of photographers along on their journey. 

But let me tell you a little secret... I learn more from them then they learn from me. I learn about perseverance, dedication, and artistry. It's magic. 

All of my alumni from all of my courses are invited to join a private Facebook group for the course. And those groups are teeming with life. 

Every month in my The Art Of Lifestyle Photography group we have a cover "contest." And by contest I mean love fest. The alumni share a favorite image they have shot recently and we all go in and "like" the images we are most drawn to. But more happens. Everyone jumps in and encourages their peers all while gaining great inspiration. It is really beautiful. 

Below is this months submissions. They really are incredible. I encourage you to take the time to go check out each artists work. There is such talent here. 

Friends, as I have retired this class with Clickinmoms you will no longer be able to sign up for it. BUT I have completely redone this class and you can now find it here!

To see another post with alumni photos, click HERE. They really are inspirational. 

black and white beautiful connected holding hands emotive family posing photography education erin aasland

Erin Aasland "This community is so inspiring and has your back when you need help, I love being a part of it." | |

seattle family photography marti austin emotive pose siblings love

Marti Austin "I love having this supportive group to turn to when I need advice about posing a family, editing a photo, or ways I can grow as a photographer. It truly in an invaluable resource to me!" | |

family pose photography karra cappelli outdoors love

Karra Cappelli "This class pushed my work to a new level when I was just starting out. The thing I loved the most was the editing videos - I loved to watch Elena edit and pick up different tricks (BATCH EDITING 🙌🏻). Thank you!" | |

black and white emotive family photography pose kirsty hamilton

Kirsty Hamilton "I took this class when I was just starting my business and it was EXACTLY what I needed for that extra confidence boost to keep on going and not give up. I love the community, it feels safe and supportive and I always feel inspired by other people's work and encouragement." | |

seattle emotive family photography beach pose amy mehlos

Amy Mehlos "Being part of this group has taught me to embrace the quiet, tender moments of sessions." |

black and white beautiful emotive family photography posing lyndsay mills mcniff

Lyndsay Mills McNiff "This class and community has meant everything for my business. It validated the type of photography I adore, focusing on a family’s connection and pushed me to try new things with each session to ensure I capture that fleeting moment for my families." | |

emotive family posing photography education sharon kenney

Sharon Kenney "This community is such an inspiration to me! I have grown so much creatively and learned to feel confident in my work. The women in this group are incredibly supportive, knowledgeable, and helpful." | |

emotive connected family posing photography education agnes szlapka

Agnes Szlapka "I love the community in this group! It inspires me to make and create images with love, feeling, emotion which I admire. But it also tremendously motivates me to believe in this talent and believe I can make this a successful and respected business! Elena is a born teacher and so helpful!" | |

emily lee family connected pose photography elena blair

Emily Lee "This class was a huge game changer for me. It’s helped me feel confident in the work I am doing and to focus on moments over perfection. This community is a constant source of inspiration and knowledge." | |

everyday artistry photography emotive black and white family posing beautiful

Lori Seitz Rider "Elena's class was so inspirational for opening my eyes to different ways to approach a session. The community of like-minded photographers that has grown out her classes continues to help me learn and grow, and helps me keep going when this business gets challenging!" | |

beautiful connected emotive family photography posing education amanda noel bruns

Amanda Noel "I loved this class because it gave me permission to shoot with my heart and capture what I feel - I literally cried when I watched the first video. We may all be at different points, but we are all on this journey together! Much like Elena, this community supports me, encourages me and inspires me to be the best ME I can be!" | |

black and white emotive connected family posing photography amy wright

Amy Wright "Taking this class and being part of this community has taught me to photograph what I feel and let the viewer feel that too." | |

connected emotive family photography posing education light emily cannata

Emily Cannata "Having such a supportive and positive community is a true gift to my heart, soul, and business. Elena is true champion of community and sharing of knowledge." |

beautiful emotive photography halloween face paint flower crown tasha boin

Tasha Boin "I love this community because it's such a supportive and safe place to ask questions, share and grow with one another! Elena is such an amazing leader and inspiration for us all!" | | 

connected emotive family pose photography laughing tickling so you by erica sue

Erica Sue "I love seeing how we are all able to consistently create images that are leading to a paradigm shift towards authentic vs posed portraiture." |

fun emotive connected family photography outdoors leah vazquez

Leah Vazquez "[I love] finding the connection and having fun :)" | |

beautiful sunset love connected emotive family photography posing ann armenia

Ann Arménia "Your class was my first CM class and was so helpful!" |

amanda bradt black and white connected happy family posing photography education

Amanda Bradt "Your class completely inspired me to make the leap into officially starting my business. It's slowly growing now thanks to the confidence your class gave me! Letting go of perfect and concentrating on the emotion helped me so much!" | |

sisters golden light connected posing family photography brigitte reid

Brigitte Reid "This class helped my find my photography people! Knowing that there's a whole community of likeminded photographers looking for meaningful connection in their photography is so inspiring! The best part though is that I realized one of my photography people lives right up the road! ❤️" | |

julie branson beautiful mother daughter connected family posing photography

Julie Branson "I love Elena's passion for supporting other photographers! The knowledge I have gained from her class, combined with the support in this community, has really helped me to grow as a photographer and an artist." | |

black and white mother daughter beach emotive happy family posing photography karen holden

Karen Holden "GBTP has been my bible for family photography. I constantly revisit different sections of it. This thriving community is also great to fall back on. I’ll always get advice no matter how small my question." | |

connected emotive family posing photography engagement proposal danielle lachance

Danielle LaChance "I love this community so much. I love that we can bounce ideas off each other and ask for advice. We all have so many different perspectives, it's so helpful to have such a great network. I've taken a few classes through ClickinMoms but I find I come back to Elena's class the most often. She taught me to embrace my own vision and trust in myself and my abilities. <3" | |

mother son connected family photography love posing amanda naor

Amanda Naor "Sometimes you just let life happen. Sometimes you gently guide it. Either way, the outcome is always beautiful." | |

father daughter emotive family posing funny jocelyn miller yellow room photography

Jocelyn Miller "This class helped solidify what I wanted to create when I entered a family session and provided me with the confidence to do what makes my heart sing." | | 

vanessa welch connected mother daughter love family posing photography

Vanessa Welch "Taking this class gave me the courage and the tools to capture for clients the moments that mean the most. My work is that much more fulfilling and joyful now and I can never go back!" | |

mother son movement emotive connected family photography education glowing tribe

Alex Vo Ko "This class opened my eyes that shooting the way I want, makes my clients more happy and I am able to do what I love! Since I took this class I do not question my style at all! I am in sync with what I do, and this gives me strength, personally and in my art- thank you Elena Sanchez Blair! I love this little community here as it gives me the possibility to ask questions, never feeling there is a question that cannot be asked- thank you all for this!" | 

fall movement emotive posing family photography nadia singh kowlasar

Nadia Singh-Kowlasar "I love our community as this group is very supportive in questions or concerns that I have. They are here to help and listen which is so needed. Elena is wonderful she is personal and it shows, and she truly cares ❤️"

jenny grimm emotive connected family photography love posing outdoors

Jenny Grimm "I absolutely adore the sense of community you get with people that follow Elena. It’s the reason I’m drinking her kool-aid and signed up for her upcoming retreat in April in Napa!! Elena you have such a huge heart and passion for what you do, and it’s infectious. Thank you for all of your support and time you spend with us. I appreciate you!!" |

natalie marotta black and white child face paint emotive family photography posing

Natalie Marotta "Elena's class helped me realize that this is my art and to show it proudly! Elena and this community have empowered me to be who I am as an artist and Elena has given me some of the greatest tools and knowledge along my journey. Her teaching style is infectious and I continue to enjoy each and every community or hers I am a part of. Thank you!" |

fall happy family love emotive connected posing photography sweet liv

Hali Resney Tomczak "[Elena's] classes have given me confidence to shoot what I love, connection and joy. She empowers you with knowledge and is your own personal cheerleader, so inspiring! The community she builds around her classes are so supportive and inspiring too💛" | |

kellie pecoraro beautiful connected emotive family photography posing mother son beach

Kellie Pecoraro "This community is so inspiring... I love seeing everyone's work and how supportive everyone is of each other. Elena's class has given me the confidence and permission to shoot the way I see a family. Elena is personally so giving of her time, energy and knowledge... she is the reason this community is such a positive place to be!" | |

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How To Get Your Clients To Stop Looking At The Camera | Photography Tips


How To Get Your Clients To Stop Looking At The Camera | Photography Tips

How to get your clients to stop looking at the camera | Photography tips



Hey friend,

Are you sick of families who have been trained to look right smack at your lens with the cheesiest grin you have ever seen? Me too. 

But here is the thing... my clients rarely do that anymore and I am going to share with you my secret. 
It's because I have educated them BEFORE they ever get in front of my camera. They know what to do before we ever actually meet in person. 

Here is how I do it. 

1. I don't ever post photos of families looking right at the camera anywhere. Not on my portfolio (especially not on my portfolio,) not on social media, and rarely on my blog (but I will there *sometimes*.) 

Your ideal client doesn't know they need lifestyle photos until you tell them they do.

Clear as mudd? Let me explain...
Take clothing companies. I haven't worn overalls since 1995, but all of the sudden I am seeing overalls all over the place and suddenly I *need* them. Like now. I am not a fashion expert so when I see a trend I trust it 100%.

But I *am* a photography expert. So I put my work out to the world and when a potential client lands on my page and sees an image like the one below they suddenly think "I want that to be my family. I want that." Bam. They aren't expecting to look at the camera. They are expecting to look like my art. 


2. I literally educate my clients once they book. In my welcome guide I explain exactly how their session will go and I tell them that I won't be asking them to look at the camera. I explain that I want them to simply interact with their family and that I will guide them how to do so. I position myself as the expert immediately and they trust me 100% because of it. 

So getting your families to stop looking at you starts before your session even begins. Believe in yourself and that you are an expert and your families will too. 

Have a great week! Fee free to share this with a pal who you  know would appreciate the tips. ;) 







Let's Talk About Confidence | Photographer Tips and Education


Let's Talk About Confidence | Photographer Tips and Education

Photography Tips and Education Elena S Blair Photography Resources

Friend, I had a feeling you were feeling like you were lacking confidence so I wanted to touch base with you. I have a free worksheet you can download at the end of this post so stick with me! 

I get so many emails and messages asking how to gain confidence and I want to help. 

First, I know it seems like those of us who have been in the game longer are confident as hell and that we were born that way. 

But that is not at all true. 

I remember when I was first starting out as a photographer with a newborn in my lap, a toddler at my heels, and a cropped censor camera I felt like I wasn't worthy of calling myself a photographer. I felt like the industry was full of so much talent that there was no way there was room for me. 

I struggled to find my way and quite honestly I nearly called it quits many times. I mean who did I think I was? I already had a great career as a registered nurse, I had two babies, a mountain of debt so new gear was never an option, and I wasn't good.


Its the truth. I see some of my earlier stuff that I was including in my portfolio and I giggle. But I also feel proud. Because you know what I was doing? I was faking it until I made it. 

Yup. You heard me right. I was faking it. Every day I would say to myself "who cares if they think you aren't good enough. Who cares if you aren't as good as so and so. You are learning and eventually you will make it." Self talk is powerful, friend. Because you can't ever expect anyone to trust you to take their photos much less pay you to do it if you don't trust yourself. People sense inauthenticity. 

I want to share with you a few things you can do to imporve your confidence right now. 

1. Take a social media and blog stocking time out. When I was starting to feel like I had no idea what my style was and was feeling really down about my work because I thought I wasn't good enough I took a three month break from social media and blog stocking. My work skyrocketed during that period as it forced me to only focus on ME. 

2. Call yourself an artist, not a photographer. Shift your mind, my friend. You are an artist and you will feel more confident calling yourself a photographer once you really grasp the fact that you are an artist. This is an art form just like painting or writing. It is visual expression. 

3. Trust the journey. If you are new you aren't supposed to be good. We all start from nothing and we have to work our way up. There is no reason to rush your come up. In fact, I don't recommend it. I know friends who rose fast and unfortunately most of them suffered major burn out. Slow and steady wins the race. 

4. Tackle one goal at a time. If you are trying to learn how to use your camera, how to edit, how to capture connection, light, and everything else all at once you will get overwhelmed and of course you will lack confidence. I tackled photography in this order: shooting/using camera > light > connection > style > editing
Editing remains the least important part of my process. It may be something you enjoy, which is great. 

5. Take care in who you are finding support and inspiration from. There is not room for drama or negativity in your life. Anyone who brings you down is only doing so to lift themselves up. So ditch them! Make sure to only surround yourself with friends who support your dreams and mentors and teachers who advise you to be you and not them. 

Friend, I have a sincere desire to rise up leaders in this community. I believe in you. Find confidence from within to keep on pushing on!! 


P.S. Share this email with any pals who you know need some help with confidence. <3