Allison and Cody | Seattle Maternity Photographer


Allison and Cody | Seattle Maternity Photographer

It is always so much fun to meet a couple for a maternity session before we meet for their newborn session. It really allows me to get to know them better before I come into their home during such a transitional time. 

I met Allison and Cody at the beach. It was a sunny but chilly winter evening. Allison looked absolutely gorgeous in her black dress, hat, and incredible blue booties. Pregnant women will always fascinate me. What incredible work their bodies are doing never seises to amaze me. It is no small feat to grow a human with your body and I think it should absolutely be celebrated and maternity photography is a wonderful way to do that. 

I can't wait to meet their baby soon. 


Community Is Powerful

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Community Is Powerful


Hi friend! I hope you are having a great week. This week, I don't have any hot tips for you. But I have a very full and heavy heart. For a few reasons that if you care to read I would love to share. 

Last month a fellow photographer in the community was suddenly and unexpectedly diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. What? How? Not fair. She and I have only known each other in the online space, however this feels very personal for me. Why? Well, she is me. And perhaps she is you too. She is a photographer. She is a mother of three. She is a wife. She is a human. I tend to be one who wears my heart on my sleeve and who easily absorbs others troubles. And after being a nurse for 10 years it became easy for me, something I did and carried. But this hit me hard. It hit a lot of us hard.

Alix found out her tumor was the size of a lemon so she coined her cancer as Alex's Lemon and has been bravely blogging about it. Yesterday the global community of photographers that I am so proud to be a part of rallied for her. We all took a photo with a lemon in it to brighten her spirit and to show her that we are in fact behind her. Weather that be with positive energy or thoughts, or perhaps prayer. I could quite literally feel the energy vibrating around me yesterday and it made me cry on multiple occasions. At the end of the day she received amazing news. That the cancer is much more treatable and that her life expectancy went up in a huge way. Again, tears. Energy is powerful. Faith, however you define or practice it is powerful. We are powerful. 


Never be afraid to jump into a community. Never be afraid to be kind. Never be afraid to give.You never know when you might need to tap into that energy from all around the world. 

On a lighter note but from the same sentiment my best friend Bre Thurston and I hosted our third retreat this past month in Austin, TX. Holy moly! That city is so rad! 

But again, I was reminded about the power of community. We laughed, we cried, we ate too much, and we bonded. Each incredible woman there had a breakthrough which is magic to watch. Just being about to help foster these communities and help guide through this very complex process that is being an artist brings me a joy and fulfillment I didn't' know I needed. 

Then, this past weekend I had the honor of speaking at The Reset Conference. It was so invigorating to be surrounded by so much talent and positive vibes. Best of all, I ended up having the best time making friends with a few gals who I felt like I had known my whole life. I have been feeling a little down all week and I think it is because I know I won't be able to see many of them for a long time, which is hard. :( 

So enough from me. I just wanted to reach out to you, my people and say, I hear you, I support you, and I am you. We are all one in the same, just on a different part of the path. 

Much love to you all! 

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Johanna Maternity | Seattle Maternity Photography


Johanna Maternity | Seattle Maternity Photography

Maternity photography is actually sorta new. When our mothers were pregnant, they had to wear baggy clothing and pregnancy wasn't celebrated like it is today. I am so glad this has changed.

Maternity photography is a luxury that many pass up. When we are pregnant we feel big, uncomfortable, and often impatient. But having experienced pregnancy three times myself I promise you that you will miss it. Even if you don't miss it, you will want beautiful imagery to reflect on it. 

I have very few images of myself when I was pregnant and it pains me. I wish so badly that I had photos of myself carrying each of my babies as that time went by so fast and quite honestly, I hardly remember it. 

When a family inquires about my maternity and newborn package I am thrilled because I know they are investing in their memory bank, in their legacy. I also love getting to know couples or families before they welcome their new baby into the world. There is so much excitement in the air you can practically feel it. 

This couple was so much fun to photograph! They cracked up laughing the whole time and were clearly very much in love. I have since met their baby girl and phtoographed them as a new family at their newborn photography session. I will share that another time. For now, soak up the love and anticpation that they so clearly felt on this day. 


Clickaway 2016 | Seattle Urban Family Photography

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Clickaway 2016 | Seattle Urban Family Photography

I have had the absolute honor of teaching at Clickaway for the past three years. Clickaway is an international photography conference where like minded photographers come from all over the world to learn, inspire, and connect. 

Speaking at a conference was not a goal I set for myself. I owe this honor all to Clickinmoms, an amazing company that has helped me grow as a photographer more than I ever could have imagined. When they asked me to be a main speaker in 2015 I was shocked but I gladly accepted. Since then I have gone on to speak at other conferences and have learned that speaking is quite rewarding. To be able to reach a large amount of people all at once and in person is an amazing thing. I am truly grateful for this opportunity. 

This past year Clickaway was here in Seattle, which was super fun. My role this year was as a small group instructor where I took about 50 photographers to the streets of Seattle to watch me work with families in an urban environment. I also did a few indoor shoots as well. 

I knew I wanted to use this little family as models. They are very special and very much full of love. I met Aubri when I was still working as a nurse and have always enjoyed her company. She has such a unique personal style that I knew would fit right in to the Seattle scene. 

Enjoy this little family. They are such great subjects for my class. 

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You Are Not An Impostor | Photography Advice

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You Are Not An Impostor | Photography Advice

Photography Tips | Photography Inspiration | Photography Education | Photography Mentorship | Elena S Blair Photography

Hey Friend,

Have you ever heard of impostor syndrome? No. Well let me tell you a little bit about it. It's that little voice inside your head that says "hey you, are you crazy? Don't you see all the other bad ass artists out there who are so much better than you. Who do you think you are?" 

Yeah. Impostor syndrome is mean. 

But all I can do to push past it is believe in myself. I take risks. Sometimes I fail. But I learn so much from those failures. 

Nearly seven years ago I took a leap of faith and started a business in a very saturated market. I juggled my job as a registered nurse, my role as a good wife, all with a toddler at my heels and a newborn in my lap. It was freakin hard. But guess what? I came up on top after falling down many, many times. 

You can too. I know you can! 

To push past imposture syndrome I put my head down and I do the work that I know is so important. I don't care if I am not the best artist in all the land. I don't care if my work isn't on trend. What I care about is my heart and the heart of my business which is to create meaningful and connected photography for all the families who trust me to capture them. 

What we are doing as artists is important work. Just think about photographs that you have of your own childhood. They are absolutely priceless.

Photography matters. 

So next time you feel like an impostor do me a favor and remember this. There is only one you. Only you can make the art that you do. Only you can see things the way you see them. What you are doing is important and meaningful. You have a unique and beautiful gift that needs to be shared with the world. If you didn't, you wouldn't even have the urge to make it. 

So don't give up! You are not an impostor! We are in this together!! 

I wrote a blog post about this a few months back. You may find it helpful. Click HERE to read it. ;) 



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