Pierson | Seattle Family Photographer


Pierson | Seattle Family Photographer

Okay, I know what you are thinking when you scroll through this post. 1. This photographer takes a thousand photos and shares too many. 2. No way this family is for real. Okay okay, to be fair, yes, I take WAY too many photos. But it's because I am in love with what I do. Like I am up all at night in my bed thinking about how much I love the families I work with and how excited I am to create more for them. To make a better experience for them. To show them that their family is a work of art. When I get in my zone during a session I am not restricting my creativity at all. I just go with it. Because of that, I don't miss a thing. And for number 2... yes, this family is impossibly stunning. But guess what? They are so freakin cool, so down to earth, so fun, and THAT my friends is why these images are so beautiful. Just look at how they look at each other. Look at how those babies just adore their mama and how daddy's strong arms hold that chubby little baby in the most tender way. Just look at how comfortable they are in each others presence. 

We met a year ago and while we haven't held true to it yet, Stella and I are planning on meeting for a mamas night out ASAP. She is good people. Like the kind of women you just want in your life. And their little family is perfectly imperfect. They are energetic, intense, and so unique. I just adore each and every one of them. So that is why these images are so beautiful. Because I allowed myself to fall head over heels in love with them and they trust me to capture them, as they are, for who they are. 


Akari | Seattle Newborn Photographer

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Akari | Seattle Newborn Photographer

I don't get to meet every family when they are expecting, but I would say 99% of my newborn photography families come to me for maternity photos as well, and I am so glad they do. It really allows me to get a feel for them as a family and if there are toddlers or kids in the family, it is especially helpful. That way when I enter the home during that tender newborn time, I already know them a bit. 

I met this family for their maternity photos and quickly fell in love with their little boy. I love his energetic disposition. It was a pleasure capturing him interacting with his fresh baby sister. There was such a quiet, peaceful feeling in their home when I photographed them. They were at absolute ease with their new little girl. 

Newborn photography means so much to me. 

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Beckham | Seattle Newborn Photographer


Beckham | Seattle Newborn Photographer

I met this sweet family while they were pregnant when I did their maternity photographs. Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe this little family. There little man fits right in and is so sweet. He was awake during his whole session but so peaceful the whole time. Your baby is perfect just as he or she is. I don't expect him to sleep or lie still. If he needs to be hold, we hold him. If he needs to eat, we feed him. Babies lead my sessions and I think it works out wonderfully. It has been a pleasure getting to know this family and I wish them all the best on this journey we call parenting. 




This is Life | Seattle Family Photographer


This is Life | Seattle Family Photographer

Anna and I had exchanged a handful of emails prior to their session, as I usually do with my new families. We had to reschedule a few times but finally our date came. It was a cloudy Seattle summer day, nothing out of the ordinary. When I read Anna's session form submission she explained that their oldest child came from adoption and that the is their fifth child as they have four biological children. It's not often that you hear of a family adopting a teenager so I was very excited to capture this very unique family.

When they hopped out of their van I couldn't believe the beauty before me. Each child dressed perfectly and mom and dad were also just as well clothed. But here is the thing... that isn't the beauty that you will see when you look at these photos. You won't see anything but instead feel. Feel their deep love and connection. They were so obviously deeply connected with each other. The respected each other, laughed, played, and snuggled. Really, the embodied what most families strive for, I think. There was an ease about them. Just simply comfortable with each other and so loving I can't even describe it. I felt honored to simply be in their presence. It was one of those sessions that left me feeling so fulfilled. Anna talked freely about the adoption of her daughter and it filled my heart to the brim with joy. It isn't my story to tell but I do encourage you to follow her journey on Instagram. Her name is cheerful_mama.  

Family photography should be a lot more than a perfect portrait. It should be an experience that results in photos that speak to who the family really is. I hope I was able to even just do the smallest bit of justice to this very special family. 


